Character Traits
Being an honest person is easy! You are honest when you tell the truth, are reliable, show loyalty, and keep your word. People will trust you when you are honest.
Being responsible means that we do what is right even when no one is looking. We do what we are supposed to. We think before we act and we consider the consequences. Responsible people are trustworthy and reliable.
You are compassionate when you show understanding of others, care for others, treat others with kindness and generosity, and have a forgiving spirit.
Perseverance means never giving up. It means having the determination and patience to meet your goals.
Having loyalty means being trustworthy and acting with integrity.
The quality of being fair and honest in everything you do.
The ability of believing in yourself and in your own strength and abilities.
Self-discipline means having control over your thoughts, emotions, words, and actions. It means you make good choices. You give your best at all times!
Integrity means being strong enough to do what you know is right, even if no one is looking. It is the quality of being honest and truthful.